Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Dubai babaaaaay

I arrived in Dubai safely this morning after a 12 hour flight from New York. I couldnt have asked for a better flight really. I actually was sitting at the window and neither of the 2 seats next to me were taken so when I slept about 4-5 hours of the flight I was laying flat...how about them apples! I also watched Goal!III (a cheesy soccer movie), read some from Phillipians 3 and started a new book called Crazy Love by Francis Chan...which is a grrreat book so far.

As we flew over Iraq this morning I thought about my brother John and the sacrifice he made to serve a year there with the US Marines. He is a baller. And I really cant imagine what a year like would be away from family and in the face of danger everyday. I am so thankful that guys like my brother will go anywhere to protect our freedom.

So I have one more flight to Johannesburg. I will be arriving around 10:15am EST Tuesday. I hope I can hop on my computer again and update my blog once I settle in to let yall see some photos from there. Thank you for each one of you reading this. May His truth go out to all nations...


  1. Yo Drew! Thanks for the inlfight email, I don't know if you got my response. But I love you and I'm so glad you're almost there!

  2. Your posts make me smile. I'm so freakin happy/excited for you. our Lord is about to show you some great things :-) Can't wait to hear all about it.

  3. thank you Wynnie and CJ for your posts! yall are an encouragement!
