Tuesday, December 15, 2009

update from plett

Hey yall. Plett is beautiful. Its amazing how the mountians run right to the sea here in South Africa.

As far as ministry goes we are in full swing and impacting many people everyday here. Last week was basically beach week for the seniors of South Africa's high school's and many, like America, go to the beach to celebrate and party. With our basic schedule of getting to the beach around 10am and running pick up soccer tournaments and volleyball clinics in the morning followed by a big formal volleyball tournament in the afternoon the days are filled with opportunity to talk to the lost about what a relationship with God is like.

Today I gave my testimony in front about 50 people in our afternoon tournament. We usually have someone introduce AIA and then give a short testimony of how God has impacted their life. I shared briefly that we dont have to work at getting to heaven and that God aims to give us the desires of our heart through a personal relationship with Him. I furthered explained that even though I went through a tough divorce in my family God has helped me to live the greatest life and guarantees me eternal life forever through His word...Our great God has declared us righteous when we accept his Son Jesus.

here are some pics from our last few days including ultimate frisbee and lunch on my birthday! here also is a pic of one of my great new friends i have met here named Jono. He had a bit of a volleyball collision on our second day on the beach and has the eye to prove it. it was great to celebrate my birthday here in SUMMER here but i miss my family and friends from home and I miss the snow!!! keep in real at home yall.

1 comment:

  1. first time to visit your blog friend.. cool pictures and good stories.. tried to call you though about 3 days back bt you never picked up. anyways you greatly missed and valued. keep well inmate!!!
