Sunday, February 7, 2010

First Sermon (click here for audio link)

for everyone who prayed over my 'sermon' tonight at church thank you. The Holy Spirit just flew through me and I was just incredibly thankful for the opportunity. I will most likely have a chance again to speak and develop a good relationship with this church. It went very well.

A funny part as you listen to the sermon is that at the beginning nobody introduced me or anything. I wasnt briefed at all so i just got up there after about a minute of awkward silence and began...well stumbled in to my talk...thank you Lord for Godly-awkwardness.

I pray that as you listen it will speak to you as well. Special thanks to the Felts and Marrissa for posting that you were going to pray and the others that sent me emails and texts.

A few prayer requests for the week:

-Society Week at the University of Johannesburg this week (we will be working a booth and encouraging athletes to be a part of Athletes in Action on Campus).

-My friends Adam and Ashley Cristman in their recent relocation to Washington DC as Adam was traded to DC United. They are an amazing couple for Christ and are expecting a little one soon as well! (Viva United!)

-my discipleship with this soccer player named Wayne. Our time couldnt be better as we are digging through the trials of life and sport to see how God has made a way for us to expereience Him through these up and down times.


  1. "Godly-awkwardness" baaha hysterical! I was able to listen to a little of the beginning, you did great Andrew!

  2. Oh awesome, you recorded it! I'll have to listen to it with H-D after work.

  3. This is great Andrew - you are brave! You did so well and stayed calm even despite the non-introduction start :) You got in the groove and laid it out really well!
