Friday, March 28, 2014

Final Thoughts from the Philippines

This trip to the Philippines was breathtaking on so many levels. From day 1 to the last day my heart was violently dealt with by the Lord all week. He had work to do in me. 

But that work started many years ago. Shortly after I saw the devastation of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans my heart was burdened for those who encountered significant disaster. This trip to the Philippines was a culmination of the call that had been on my heart for many years.

Arriving in Tacloban with this team was sort of a dream until reality hit after seeing the wake of Typhoon Yolanda. This storm shredded this city and left massive holes in the landscape and in hearts. Families we're taken. Homes were annihilated. Boats were transplanted on shore. The scene was heavy. Our team however was ready for the task and despite the shock and awe God helped us hit the ground running.

Through sport clincs, food distribution, and some group time with local middle and high school kids we truly helped bring God's presence to those who were not experiencing it. 

"God is close to the brokenhearted and saves those crushed in spirit"  David writes. That verse rang so true while we were there. We saw God comfort kids and bring them joy almost without hesitation. Most kids competed at first with backpacks on as they had just come out of class. Hope is rising in Tacloban. 

One of the more sobering memories of the week for me was visiting a mass grave and makeshift morgue the last day in Leyte. We so often have our world and culture today hide death making it seem like a distant reality. But this visit to this "cemetery" made it seem very real. The smell of death permeated the air. It was so pungent that our team had to cover their noses with their shirts and even with that we could only stay a couple minutes because it was so tough. But seeing death made me also see my life and the opportunity I still have to make a difference for Jesus. By his mercy I am still here and I want to make the most to life a life worthy of his death for me. May you also live a life taking advantage of every opportunity to make an eternal difference in our world.

Andrew Eppes
UCLA AIA staff

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